Friday, June 27, 2008

Horses, Plows and Mobiles

I have been getting my backyard ready to seed with grass. It has been a lot of work but when I imagine what it could look like it gives me a bursts of energy to keep working at it. Last Tuesday morning at 5:40 am, a man with a horse and plow came and worked up the ground. It's great!! Saved me a tonne of work!!!!!!!! Very thankful for that. It was amusing though while he was here. I really do enjoy talking with people and getting to know them even if it is just a little bit so I opened up the subject of family. He in turn asked if I had a family. I think I need to come up with a better response than what I gave him today - mention more about my family back in America! Instead he zeroed in on that I was not married and that it was not good for someone my age to be alone. =) He asked me why I didn't have a husband and I said "God knows." Kids? No. Age? 36. Well that was all the information he needed and he immediately took out his phone and called this guy in Kiev. It was 6:30 am!!!! A few thoughts crossed my mind - tackle the man to the ground and take his mobile away (he is bigger than me though so that wouldn't have worked) or just stand back, wave my arms wildly and yell "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??!!!", or just let it play out. I ended up saying, "Don't do that." with the intonation of "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??!!!" =) After the call he preceded to tell me that this guy is 32, doesn't drink and keeps his house clean. I said, thank you but no thank you and that if I were to get married some day, the man would definitely have to love Jesus!! The point was taken but as he left he said, "Think about it. Really think about it. When he has time he will come and meet you." Oh great!! I told him that if he wanted to come down, he was more than welcome to come to church on Sunday at 5:00 pm! Before I could do anything, he gave me a big wet one on the cheek and hopped up into his wagon and went on his way. I really liked the horse though - very nice. =)


ukrainiac said...

Glad the horse was nice!

(Oh, brother!)

Cara Denney said...

Oh my gosh! I had such a similar thing happen when I first moved to Kyiv. Now they don't bother. :) I think I am officially in the old maid category. So consider it a a weird twisted sort of way! Hang in there! I was just glad it was the man, not the horse, that gave you a "big wet one"! ha! Hmmm...although the horse might have been better. ha!