Sunday, April 20, 2008

Trevor has had two blood counts since starting chemo and, thank you Lord, they have been high enough to continue treatments. Next week they will have an overnight stay at the hospital for his 2nd large dose of chemo. At this time, Kathy, my sister-in-law, will be meeting with a nutritionist to get some ideas on what food to prepare for Trevor. He continues to lose weight but as of now, the doctors aren't concerned. My dad will be flying down to Maryland on Wednesday to be with Daryl and his family for a few weeks. Please pray for this time. Praising God for His greatness!

Monday, April 7, 2008


In my last e-mail I mentioned that Trevor went for a second CAT scan last
Wednesday. When the results came in, the "spot" was gone!! Praise God!

Since the tests for both the bone marrow and CAT scan came back negative,
Trevor was able to start his first chemo treatment this past Friday. He had
three separate injections through the port in his chest. On Sunday morning
he felt a little nauseous but his medicine got it under control. Apparently
after 5 - 7 days after the treatment is when he'll start feeling really
sick. His treatments are scheduled for every three weeks. After the fourth
chemo treatment Trevor will begin radiation treatments. They will drive into
Baltimore every day for a month for this.

As long as his blood count stays up, these treatments will be able to
continue. If they fall, then the treatments will have to stop until they can
be brought up again. Please continue to pray that the counts stay up. He
will have his first count done on Thursday, April 10th.

One of the important things during this time is that Trevor does not get
sick. As a precaution he will have to wear a mask for the next year until he
has finished his treatments. Daryl said that Trevor is a real trooper and
puts the mask on by himself. He has seen a lot of that during his stay in
the hospital. He must also not lose weight so the doctors have put him on a
strict high calorie diet.

The Lord works in ways that sometimes we don't always understand. Daryl and
Kathy have been to share with the other families in the hospital why they
can still have a smile on their face during this time. The Lord is their

For awhile there was question whether or not they would be covered with
insurance as Daryl started a new job this past Monday. Praise the Lord that
in the state of Maryland, your insurance can't be dropped. As it turns out
Daryl's new job has better coverage than his old one. Just another way that
the Lord has supplied!

In three weeks or so, my Dad will fly down to spend a couple of weeks with
Daryl and his family.

Please also remember Siglinda as her world has also been turned upside down.
Thank you for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Trevor has had more tests done and on Monday they found another spot on the back of his abdomen close to his spine. It does not appear to be attached to the spine but it is large enough that they need to go back in and remove it. He was scheduled to have an operation this morning but the doctors have decided to perform another CT scan to have another look. Thank you for your continued prayers!