Thursday, March 27, 2008

Please Pray

This is my twin brother Daryl and his family. Just two days ago, Trevor, my 3 year old nephew was diagnosed with a form of cancer that affects the muscles. It is called Rhabdomyosarcoma. The doctors feel that they were able to remove the tumor that was growing in his abdomen. There are more tests that Trevor will need to go through though to determine if it has spread and what stage it is in. One of the tests will be taking bone marrow. He will also have to go through chemotherapy for almost a year. Please join us in praying that it has not spread and that it was truly caught early. What a comfort it is to know that God is in control!

Monday, March 10, 2008

8th of March

The 8th of March just isn't any ordinary day on the calendar here in Ukraine - it's one of the biggest holidays of the year! Rightly so - it's Women's Day!!

This year a bunch of us gathered together at the home of Masha and Sveta's to celebrate. We had a wonderful time sharing a meal together and of course there was a lot of laughter happening as our girls shared their acting skills.

A while back I was given a bunch of scarves so last night we were able to share them with each of the girls. We managed to have some fun with them too!

All in all we had a wonderful evening together!